LEBAK - A robber group in Lebak, Banten, ran away when the potential victim can't be shot with an airsoft gun. The group fired 10 times at the GoCar driver.
The group of Lebak Banten robber was finally captured by Lebak Police Crime Investigation Unit personnel. Police previously received a report of an attempted robbery on Wednesday, May 19 at around 03.00 western Indonesia time on the Cileles-Gunung Kencana, Citangkil village, Ds Cikareo, Cileles subdistrict, Lebak district.
"Yes, today the ranks of Lebak Banten Police conducted a press conference related to the disclosure of cases of criminal acts of attempted theft with violence that occurred on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, at 03.00 on Cileles-Gunung Kencana street, Citangkil village, Ds Cikareo, Cileles subdistrict, Lebak district," said Police Chief of Lebak Banten Police, Grand Commissioner Adjutant Ade Mulyana, as quoted from the public relations statement of Lebak Police, Thursday, May 20.
This robbery attempt started when the perpetrator ordered GoCar through the app. Then the perpetrators boarded at the sempu red light of Serang city and asked to be escorted to the Cileles area of Lebak Regency.
There are five criminal actors. Four of them got into a GoCar and one person followed by using a Daihatsu Sigra A 1906 PN.
"Arriving in Cileles area, palm plantation, 4 perpetrators carried out the shooting several times, almost 10 times to the victim driver in the hand and head (tried) to injure the victim by beating," said Grand Commissioner Adjutant Ade.
"Then the victim came down to pick up the keys and deactivated the vehicle and did defend himself. Because of the resistance from the victims, the perpetrators fled using vehicles that followed the victim's vehicle, and the victim's vehicle was not successfully brought by the perpetrator," continued Grand Commissioner Adjutant Ade.
Later in the afternoon, the victim reported the incident to Lebak police. Furthermore, the Lebak Police Crime Investigation Unit conducted an investigation, until finally on Wednesday, May 19 at 22.00 western Indonesia time, police managed to arrest the perpetrator.
"Evidence of airsoft gun to carry out the shooting to the head and hands of the victim. We also do an investigation and get another piece of evidence, airsoft gun revolver, and vehicle owned by victim and perpetrators," he said.
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