JAKARTA - The National Police said that the number of police personnel in all parts of Indonesia was not balanced with the population.

This statement was in response to the question of the alleged cause of the burning of the Candipuro Police, South Lampung, which was said to be dissatisfied with the performance.

"We convey that if we look at the Police personnel, not only in Lampung but almost all areas of the police ratio are not balanced between the population and the number of Polri members", said Head of Public Relations Division of the National Police, Kombes Ahmad Ramadhan, to reporters, Wednesday, May 19.

In fact, Ramadhan said that Candipuro Police only had 19 personnel. Meanwhile, the number of people in Candipuro District reaches 55 thousand.

"This means that with a large population of 55 thousand and 19 to 20 police personnel, the police ratio is lacking", he said.

However, to overcome this, a backup scheme was carried out. This means that each Regional Police can assist when there is a big event.

In fact, the Resort Police and Regional Police levels may also help handle this big case.

"The Candipuro Police or Polsek A then the surrounding Sector Police B, C, D. So when there is an incident that is quite prominent the Rayon Police can back up", he said.

"Likewise the police. So if there is a police station a, b, c, d when there is an incident or a prominent incident, then the Rayon Police will back up," continued Ramadhan.

Previously it was reported that the Candipuro Police were burned by a mob on Tuesday, May 18, evening. Based on the information, the masses threw them into the area of the Integrated Police Service Center (SPKT) at the Polsek. So that it started a fire.

So far, the police have arrested eight people who are suspected of being the provocateurs for the burning of the Candipuro Police. In fact, one of them is a minor.

"Investigators from the South Lampung Police and Lampung Police have arrested 8 people who were suspected of being involved, ranging from the initiator of the action, the provocation of the arson, to those who followed suit", said Ramadhan.

One child who is under age is said to be 16 years old. But it has not yet been explained about the child's role as a provocateur or participating in the arson.

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