JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the House of Representatives for Social Welfare Sector, Abdul Muhaimin Iskandar, appealed to all companies to register their employees to take part in an independent vaccination program as an effort to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic.

As is well known, the independent or mutual aid vaccination program officially started on Tuesday, May 18. For the initial stage, there are only 19 companies that have started to carry out independent vaccinations.

"So far, there have been quite a lot of cases of the spread of COVID-19 in corporate clusters," Muhaimin said in a statement received on Wednesday, May 19.

Gus Ami, as he is called, hopes that independent vaccination can prevent the transmission of cases within the company and employees' families.

"If employees are healthy, the company will also remain productive," he added.

Furthermore, the chairperson of the PKB explained that independent vaccination is a form of contribution from the private sector or companies in accelerating and expanding the range of national vaccinations initiated by the government.

"If we depend on the government itself, of course, this is hard, so this is where the importance of mutual cooperation is here. Companies that have received input from employees so far should provide services, in this case, health services to their employees," he explained.

Referring to the Regulation of the Minister of Health Number 10 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Vaccinations in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic, mutual or independent vaccination can be followed by all legal entities/business entities.

Employees, families, and other related individuals in the family can be included in this independent vaccination program.

Muhaimin said that the involvement of the private sector will accelerate the achievement of the national vaccination target. Thus, it is hoped that the COVID-19 pandemic can be overcome more quickly.

Moreover, so far, added Muhaimin, the COVID-19 vaccination program is still far from the target. From the Ministry of Health's COVID-19 Vaccination Dashboard data as of today, vaccination achievements are still quite far from the target.

"The faster the vaccination process is carried out, our hope is that this pandemic will end soon," said Muhaimin Iskandar.

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