JAYAPURA - Four people in Abepura, Papua, were arrested by the police for wearing the attributes of the Free Papua Organization, Sunday, December 1.

As reported by Antara, the Head of the Papua Regional Police, Inspector General Paulus Waterpauw, said that currently the four local residents had been detained and examined at the Abepura Police Office.

The reason for their arrest was the police, because they wore the Papua Merdeka attributes or ornaments in the form of face painting with the Morning Star motif.

The four youths who had attended the service were approached by the police politely and kindly. The police asked them to leave the church building and be taken to the Abepura Police Station, which is about 200 meters away.

"I have ordered the head of the Jayapura City Police to investigate the case, to find out what plans they want to carry out," said Waterpauw.

When arresting them, he said, the police also confiscated the three Morning Star flags they were carrying. When asked about security in Papua, Waterpauw said,

"The current security situation is safe and under control," he said.

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