JAKARTA - The rupiah exchange rate on the spot market opened a little helplessly on Friday 24 April trading. The rupiah opened slightly lower by 0.24 percent or 38 points to a level of Rp15,453 per US dollar.

Head of Research at Monex Investindo Futures, Ariston Tjendra said, negative sentiment returned to the financial market after a WHO report, which was accidentally published, stated that the clinical testing process for COVID-19 patient care drugs released by Gilead Science had failed.

"Without drugs or vaccines, the COVID-19 outbreak will not be over immediately," Ariston told VOI.

He added that the market is very worried about the economy which has been slumping because of the continuing outbreak. Economic data released this week such as the manufacturing activity index in Europe and the US continues to show contraction, the number of unemployed in the US is also high.

"The rupiah could weaken today with a potential range of Rp15,380-15,600 per US dollar," he said.

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