JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) welcomes the decision of the Constitutional Court which ruled that the authority to return wiretaps, searches and confiscations to his party.
Previously, this activity had to have the permission of the KPK Dewas. However, after the KPK Law Number 19 of 2019 went to the Constitutional Court and it was decided that the three activities did not have the permission of the supervisory board, but only knew.
"We welcome the Constitutional Court's decision regarding wiretapping, searches and confiscations by the KPK," said Acting KPK spokesman for the field of prosecution Ali Fikri in a written statement, Thursday, May 6.
The KPK will carry out this decision by adjusting several mechanisms. Ali also ensured that projusticia measures in an effort to enforce the law in case handling settlement would be carried out in accordance with applicable legal procedures.
"We are grateful and highly appreciate the parties who have become the applicants in the Judicial Review process," said Ali.
"We are sure that all parties involved are petitioners, aiming to continue to strengthen and support the eradication of corruption in Indonesia," he added.
As previously reported, the Chairman of the KPK Supervisory Board, Tumpak Hatorangan Panggabean, stated that his party would no longer issue wiretapping, search and confiscation permits.
This is in line with the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) which states that tapping, searches, and confiscations carried out by the KPK do not need to ask for permission from the supervisory board as stipulated in Law Number 19 of 2019 but it is sufficient to provide notification.
"We must respect the Constitutional Court's decision which has since been pronounced into effect. Starting this afternoon onwards, the supervisory board will not issue any more tapping, search and seizure permits," Tumpak told reporters, Wednesday, May 5.
He hopes that the implementation of the three activities that are the main thing in investigating this corruption case will continue to run well. "Regarding whether the KPK will become stronger with the revocation of the permit, of course we will see in its implementation in the future, we hope that it will certainly be better," he said.
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