SOLO - The Municipal Government of Surakarta, Central Java, has prepared 200 beds at the Solo Technopark (STP) for travelers who are desperate to return to their hometowns.

The Chief Executive of the Surakarta City COVID-19 Handling Task Force, Ahyani, in Solo, said that his party had made thorough preparations to quarantine the travelers.

Thus, it is hoped that as of May 1, the place will be ready to be used to accommodate travelers.

In addition to beds, other needs that are also prepared are cabinets and consumption for quarantine participants.

The Regional Secretary for the City of Surakarta said that the preparations were almost the same as before last year's Eid. The difference is if last year the length of quarantine reached 14 days, this time it was only five days.

According to him, apart from STP, another location that is also being prepared for quarantine is Ndalem Joyokusuman. However, his party will still optimize STP first.

"The location we focus on is STP first, for Ndalem Djoyokusuman we have also prepared, but the main thing is STP first. Ndalem Djoyokusuman is still used for cultural activities first," he said.

Meanwhile, the Mayor of Surakarta Gibran Rakabuming Raka said that STP preparations were still being carried out.

"Later, those who are quarantined are those who are desperate to enter Solo when the Lebaran homecoming ban applies. (Applies) five days of quarantine," he said.

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