JAKARTA - The number of patients recovering from COVID-19 in Kudus Regency, Central Java, until this week reached 5,294 people, an increase to 89.39 percent of the total 5,922 cases confirmed positive for the coronavirus disease. "This week there are three additional COVID-19 sufferers. who was declared cured to 5,294 people, "said Spokesperson for the COVID-19 Task Force for Kudus Regency Andini Aridewi in Kudus, as reported by Antara, Tuesday, April 27. Meanwhile, in early March 2021, she said, cases of recovery were recorded at only 87.48 percent, then at the end of March. 2021 rose to 89.33 percent and as of April 25, 2021, it rose again to 89.37 percent. The increase in the cure rate for COVID-19 patients, he said, in addition to better medical treatment, the latest criteria for recovery also support the increase in patient recovery rates. corona as well as an increase in the level of public awareness to comply with health protocols.

The number of cases is admittedly still fluctuating because this week there is an additional positive case of COVID-19 that has just come from within the region, bringing the total to 5,922 cases. Although the total number of cases continues to increase, the number of patients being treated continues to decline because currently only 31 cases are being treated. isolated as many as 63 cases and died 534 cases. Even though cases tend to fall, the Kudus community is reminded to continue to improve discipline in adhering to health protocols to suppress COVID-19 cases, starting from wearing masks when in public places and diligently washing hands with soap and running water or with hand sanitizer after touching objects touched by many people. In order to maintain optimal immunity, people are also asked to always eat balanced nutritious food and adequate rest.

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