JAKARTA - The Ministry of Human Rights (HAM) said that the most serious human rights violations occurred in correctional institutions (prisons). In fact, prisoners should receive guidance instead of being punished.
"I found that human rights violations actually exist in prisons," said Director General of Instruments and Strengthening of the Ministry of Human Rights, Nicholay Aprilindo at the Ministry of Human Rights Building, South Jakarta, quoted on Saturday, March 22.
Human rights violations that occur are related to the rights of inmates or convicts, such as life support facilities while in prison.
The findings of the human rights violation, said Nicholay, were after his party visited prisons in East Nusa Tenggara, West Java, Jakarta and several other locations. Prisoners get a very inappropriate place.
"We see that the purpose of the prison is actually not punishment but coaching. It turns out that the goal of coaching has not been fully implemented. What is there is punishment," he said.
Many prisons are overcapacity or overcapacity. For example, one cell with a maximum occupancy of 11 people was filled with up to 35 people.
Then, there are rat cells that are considered to have violated human rights. This is because the cells are only 2x1 meters in size, without lighting and bathrooms.
"It should be inhabited by only two to three people, all I found was up to five people," said Nicholay.
It's also about eating what is called makeshift. Prisoners only get a small share of each menu. Then, health services are also considered inadequate.
"Indeed, every day the menu changes because there is a list of menus 1-7 days that change. But the contents are only one piece. Then I also see very minimal and very lacking health services," said Nicholay.
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