JAKARTA - The chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, responded to the demonstration to reject the ratification of the Draft Law on the Indonesian National Army (RUU TNI) which ended in chaos in front of the DPR RI building.
Puan ensured that the DPR and the government would immediately socialize the TNI Law which was only ratified in yesterday's plenary meeting, Thursday, March 20, in order to straighten out misunderstandings related to the law.
Puan stated that public concerns regarding the new TNI Law would not occur. The reason is, the newly rumored TNI Law will reactivate ABRI's dwifunction like the new order era.
"I hope everyone can hold back, and of course we, the DPR RI and the government, will immediately socialize this," said Puan after attending the breaking of the fast with the NasDem Party DPP at NasDem Tower, Jakarta, Friday, March 21.
"So that the public and the public can immediately find out what is in it without any suspicion or misunderstanding," he continued.
Regarding when his party will socialize the TNI Bill, Puan said immediately.
"God willing, as soon as possible," said the legislator for the Central Java V electoral district.
Previously, Puan stated that the DPR had carried out the process of discussing the TNI Bill according to the applicable mechanism and involved public participation, including students.
"We from the DPR and the Government receive input and aspirations from all elements of society that are considered important, and of course we have also listened to input from student representatives," said Puan.
This was conveyed by Puan after the Plenary Meeting of the ratification of the new TNI Law, Thursday, March 20.
Regarding the growing concerns among the public about changes in the new TNI Law, Puan emphasized that there will be no changes that will allow the TNI to engage in politics or business. This issue had raised public concerns.
"The TNI is still prohibited from doing business and politics. This is a principle that we maintain well. We want to emphasize that this will not change," said Puan.
Puan explained that the discussion of the newly passed TNI Bill focuses on three main articles, namely Article 7 concerning Military Operations Apart from War (OMSP), Article 47 which expands the scope of active TNI positions in ministries and institutions from 10 to 14 ministries/agencies, as well as regarding the term of service or retirement age of soldiers which is intended to achieve justice for state defense servants.
"We want to ensure that the TNI is only placed in areas that are relevant and needed for the country," added Bung Karno's grandson.
"If outside of article 47 there are only 14 ministries/agencies that can be occupied by the active TNI, then the active TNI must resign or retire early," continued Puan.
Meanwhile, regarding article 7 which increased the scope of the main task of the TNI, which was originally 14 to 16 main tasks, Puan stated that this was only a form of anticipation and was a non-war military operation (OMSP).
The two additional main tasks of the TNI are to assist efforts to overcome cyber defense threats and help protect and save citizens and national interests abroad.
"It will be regulated in PP and God willing, there will be no military operation (war), this is only for anticipation and mitigation. So if it happens, something like that will be carried out (OMSP), we hope it doesn't happen," said Puan in response to journalists' questions.
Puan also said that the DPR is ready to provide further explanations to students and the public who still have doubts regarding the new TNI Law. He also ensured that things that were feared such as ABRI's dyafunction would not happen.
"We are ready for dialogue and provide an explanation directly. There is no need for baseless suspicion or prejudice. We hope that the community, especially students, can better understand what has been passed and how this will have a positive impact on the nation's development. We continue to prioritize civilian supremacy," he concluded.
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