The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police received 12 police reports (LP) related to the case of violating MiyaKita's cooking oil distribution with an incommensurate mode. Regarding the development of the handling, dozens of people were named as suspects.

"So far, there have been 12 police reports that are being handled by the National Police. Then seven are still under investigation," said Wadirtipideksus Bareskrim Polri, Kombes Samsu Arifin to reporters, Thursday, March 20.

Of the dozens of LPs received, some of them have entered the investigation stage. In fact, investigators have named 11 suspects. However, not all of the handling is in the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police. Rather, it is spread across several regional police ranks.

"It has been processed in Bareskim, West Java, Banten, Gorontalo, and East Java. That is the development for handling the Minya Kita case," said Samsu.

In this case, the National Police will continue to investigate allegations of fraud and oversee the distribution process. This is in line with President Prabowo Subianto's Asta Cita program regarding food security

"The Pori Food Task Force, both central and regional, supports this food security activity with various supervisory measures. Starting from supply or availability, then distribution, to legal approaches to foodstuffs," said Samsu.

As a reminder, the National Police through the Directorate of Special Economic Crimes has named one suspect in the case of violating MiyaKita's cooking oil distribution with an incommensurate mode.

The suspect is the owner or head of the warehouse appointed by PT. MSI and PT. ARN assigned to pack and sell cooking oil.

"In this case, investigators have named one suspect, namely the initials AWI who acts as the owner or concurrently as the head of the branch as well as the manager of the location," said the Director of Special Economic Crimes at Bareskrim Polri, Brigadier General Helfi Assegaf.

The appointment of AWI as a suspect is of course with a strong buti tool. One of them is various production machines found at PT Ayarasa Nabati which is located at Jalan Tole Iskandar Number 75 RT01 RW19 Sukamaju Village, Cilodong District, Depok City, West Java

The suspect packed the cooking oil with a machine that was deliberately arranged below the standard figure of one liter or 1,000 milliliters. In fact, after being checked manually, the dose of MinyaKita produced by the suspect did not match.

"In the machine, the volume that will be put into the bottle has been set there, the 802 milliliters, the other 760 milliliters. So he manually sets how many will be put in, comes out according to what is on the machine," said Helfi.

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