JAKARTA - The chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, has confirmed that public concerns regarding the issue of dyfunction and covert discussion in the revision of the TNI Law will not occur. Because according to her, the discussion of the TNI Bill also involves the community.

"We from the DPR and the government receive input and aspirations from all elements of society that are considered important, and of course we have also listened to input from student representatives," said Puan during a press conference at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday, March 20.

Puan said that there were three articles that became the focus of discussion from the revised TNI Bill which was later ratified into law. Namely, article 7 is related to military operations other than war (OMSP), Article 47 related to the placement of TNI soldiers in ministries/agencies, and Article 53 related to retirement age.

"Then article 47, where there are additions from 10 areas that can indeed be occupied by the active TNI from 10 to 14," he said.

"Then the pension problem where there is a justice problem. So only these three things," added Puan.

Puan emphasized that the Indonesian House of Representatives and the government will continue to prioritize civil supremacy, democratic rights, and human rights in accordance with the laws and regulations in Indonesia and internationally.

"So we hope and urge the younger students, who at this time may still not get the explanation or information needed, later we are ready to explain that what worries what is suspected is that there are news that will then revise the TNI law, God willing, no," he said.

"And we also hope that the revision of the newly passed TNI law in the future will be beneficial for the development of the nation and state," he concluded.

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