JAKARTA - Indonesian Foreign Minister Sugiono encouraged the settlement of border negotiations to support the chairmanship of Malaysia in ASEAN, when he received Ambassador Dato' Syed Mohamad Hasrin Tengku Hussin at the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Jakarta, Wednesday.

In addition to the border, the two discussed several important issues that became hot topics in bilateral relations between the two countries, including economic cooperation to Palestinian issues.

Foreign Minister Sugiono appreciated the development of sea and land boundary negotiations being carried out by Indonesia and Malaysia and conveyed his commitment to continue the unresolved negotiation process, the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement as quoted on March 13.

In the field of economic cooperation, Foreign Minister Sugiono expressed his optimism for the future relations between Indonesia and Malaysia. Several Malaysian investment projects in Indonesia, such as cooperation between Pertamina and Petronas, are also collaborating on the issue of palm oil.

It is known, Malaysia is the fourth largest investor from Southeast Asia with an investment value of US$4.1 billion in 2024.

In addition to discussing bilateral issues, the two of them also discussed the issue of ASEAN. Related to this, Foreign Minister Sugiono conveyed Indonesia's commitment to support Malaysia's chairmanship in ASEAN during 2025.

Foreign Minister Sugiono and Ambassador Dato Syhamad Hasrin Tengku Hussin also discussed the Palestinian issue. Both parties affirm the firm commitment of the two countries regarding the resolution of Palestinian issues, including through a permanent ceasefire and Two'S Statage Solution.

The ministry added that Malaysia is an important partner and closest neighbor of Indonesia. Indonesia-Malaysia diplomatic relations have existed for 68 years.

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