JAKARTA - The police have arrested a husband and wife in Cisurupan District, Garut Regency, West Java because they reportedly cheated on an honorary teacher by promising to be appointed as civil servants.

"The victim admitted that he was promised to be appointed as a civil servant since 2016, but until now it has not been done, maybe here and there he is aware that he has become a victim of fraud," said Chief of Criminal Investigation of Cisurupan Police, Insp. Amirudin Latif, who handled the case report in Garut. On Thursday.

He said the losses suffered by the victim as a result of the fraud reached Rp130 million.

Amirudin said the husband and wife, a resident of Garut Kota District, with the initials CSM (59) worked as entrepreneurs, and NW (43) was an honorary teacher at a vocational school in Garut.

The arrest against the two people, he said, after a report from the victim to the Cisurupan Police with a loss of money that had been given to the perpetrator in the amount of Rp130 million.

"After collecting (a promise to be appointed as a civil servant) it was not fulfilled, so finally he reported to us," he said.

Amirudin conveyed the results of the examination, the two men admitted to having committed fraud against the victim, even admitted that he had committed the act to a number of people in Garut.

The perpetrator, he continued, admitted to having deceived 15 people who were scattered in a number of areas in Garut, one of the victims was from Cisurupan District.

"The rest are scattered in several districts," he said.

He conveyed that his staff were still developing the fraud case because it was suspected that there were other victims, as well as other suspects who were involved in the fraud.

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