JAKARTA - Deputy Minister for Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers, Christina Aryani, requested that the #kaburajadulu trend be addressed by increasing competence, skills and ability to face the world of work, especially abroad.
Potential new problems arise, if there are people who want to 'go away first' by illegal means and without procedures.
"We definitely want younger students to go abroad according to their original goals. Applying for knowledge, working, looking for a better income, returning home, being able to open a business and help parents," said Christina during a visit to the NHI Bandung Police, West Java, Wednesday, February 19.
Deputy Minister Christina also reminded students to always be careful of the lure of working abroad without complete procedures.
"If you go independently, you have to be extra careful. Find out again. Check out imings of work abroad to the nearest KemenP2MI or BP3MI," he asked.
Previously, Deputy Minister Christina also assessed that the rights of Indonesian citizens to seek a better life by working abroad, as echoed by #kaburajadulu. However, the process of departing Indonesian citizens to work abroad must continue to follow legal procedures to be safe and protected.
The former member of the Indonesian House of Representatives added that KemenP2MI is ready to be present to facilitate public curiosity and assist the departure process for Indonesian migrant workers to work abroad.
He also appealed to people who are interested in working abroad to continue to monitor the syskop2mi channel which is always updated to provide information about opportunities to work abroad procedurally safely.
“Kehadiran negara bagi yang berangkat sesuai dengan ketentuan merupakan jaminan pelindungan hukum dan sosial yang diberikan negara,” pungkas Wamen Christina.
"The presence of the state for those who depart in accordance with the provisions is a guarantee of legal and social protection provided by the state," concluded Deputy Minister Christina.
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