JAKARTA - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has good and clear work and communication methods, ministry spokesman Roy Soemirat said, dismissed the previously circulated news.
He conveyed this in response to the writing in the media regarding the issue of the ministry's internal work method, including reports deemed unfounded which stated that the Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sugiono did not provide a written draft after the meeting or meeting.
"This is not true. I can directly refute the news, which is only based on pieces of news that are sometimes unrelated or even forced to connect," said Roy in a statement from the ministry, Monday, February 10.
"We in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs have a clear working method, both in terms of communication or dialogue between leadership levels, especially between the Foreign Minister and echelon 1 officials of the ministry," he explained.
Roy further explained that on various separate occasions the Foreign Minister did not hesitate to make direct contact with echelon 2 (officials) to obtain more technical input on the issues discussed.
"I am a real example and can give indisputable testimony regarding this communication pattern. Communication is done in two directions," said Roy.
"As for the details of working methods, of course, there are many derivatives, so there is no need to worry about the delivery in writing or non-written terms," continued Roy.
"Don't forget that sometimes there are many issues that when discussed by the President with his counterpart may not always be relevant to issues that are the duties and functions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs," he said.
Roy added, regarding the substance, according to him, the leadership determines what things are strategic and need to be followed up immediately by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs system.
"So I can convey that the news or quote is not accurate," he said.
It is known that media reports and uploads on social media last week wrote that a diplomat who had a long career in Europe said the chaos in the situation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was due to uncertainty, saying Foreign Minister Sugiono was reluctant to make a written draft. He is also mentioned as choosing to submit a disposition to his personal secretary, instead of communicating with officials under him.
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