SURABAYA - Ivan Sugianto, a defendant in the case of bullying and intimidation against Christian high school students Gloria 2, underwent his first trial in the Cakra Room of the Surabaya District Court (PN).
The trial, chaired by the Chief Justice of the Abu Achmad Sidqi Amsya, scheduled the reading of the indictment by the Public Prosecutor (JPU) from the Surabaya District Attorney (Kejari), Galih Riana Putra Intaran.
In his indictment, the Public Prosecutor said that Ivan committed violence against children by forcing the victim, EN, to prostrate and spur.
"The defendant is considered to have placed, allowed, did, ordered to do, or participated in violence against children," said Galih in a trial reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, February 5.
This case began on October 21, 2024, when the defendant's son, EL, and the DEF witness, went to victim EN at his school to ask about what EL said, such as a pudel dog.
The debate that occurred then made Ivan come to the location and was suspected of intimidating the victim.
"Arriving at school, the defendant forced the victim to apologize by prostrate and cursing, while saying the order repeatedly," said Galih.
As a result of this incident, based on the forensic examination of Bhayangkara Hospital Surabaya, the victim experienced anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which had an impact on his daily activities.
For his actions, Ivan was charged with Article 80 paragraph (1) jo. Article 76C of Law Number 17 of 2016 concerning Child Protection, as well as Article 335 paragraph (1) point 1 of the Criminal Code.
Meanwhile, the defendant's attorney, Billy Handiwiyanto, stated that he would file an exception or memorandum of objection to the indictment read out by the prosecutor.
"We are submitting an exception, and will present our defense in the next trial," he said.
The panel of judges then set a follow-up hearing with an exception reading agenda on Tuesday (12/2).
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