TASIKMALAYA - The Tasikmalaya Resort Police conducted an in-depth investigation to resolve the illegal sand mining case on the southern coast of Tasikmalaya Regency, West Java, by calling employers and officials of related agencies.

"We will clarify everything by sending invitations to all parties, including the manager or employer," said Head of the Tasikmalaya Police Criminal Investigation Unit AKP Ridwan Budirta to reporters in Tasikmalaya, Antara, Sunday, February 2.

The police previously received information from the public that there were allegations of illegal sand mining activities in coastal areas in Cikalong and Karangnunggal sub-districts.

Furthermore, the police together with officials from related agencies from the Tasikmalaya Regency Government checked and installed police lines at five illegal sand mining locations.

After installing the police line, his party will summon everyone involved in the mining activity.

Including asking for information from relevant agencies such as the Department of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), Environment, Water Resources Management (PSDA), the Department of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (DKP), and the local village government.

"For clarification, there are ESDM, Environmental Spatial Planning, PSDA, DKP, to the local village government," he said.

All parties from the mining agencies and managers who will be summoned will be questioned regarding the mining business activities they are undergoing, especially the issue of licensing.

The control of illegal mining activities in Tasikmalaya, he said, was based on community reports, and follow-up to central and local government policies that must be supported to preserve nature.

"This is a policy program for the central government and local governments, we urge all parties to support this program," he said.

Previously, the Tasikmalaya Police and local government officials installed a police line as a firm action that had closed illegal sand mining activities in the southern region of Tasikmalaya, Thursday (30/1).

Officers closed five illegal sand mining sites in Citoe Village, Cidadap Village, Karanganunggal District, and in Borosole Village, Cikalong Village, and Manggabaya Village, Mandalajaya Village, Cikalong District.

Officers when they arrived at the mining site did not find anyone doing sand mining activities, nor did there be any business actors, nor land owners in the area, officers only found a number of mining equipment, even so the police had already pocketed the identity of anyone who had to be questioned.

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