The West Jakarta Metro Police have not yet named a suspect in the Glodok Plaza building fire case in Tamansari District, West Jakarta.

The police admitted that they were still waiting for the results of the examination by the Forensic Laboratory Center (Puslabfor) of the National Police Headquarters regarding the fire.

"Because the Forensic Laboratory has taken samples of dust and samples from the burning cable, we are still waiting for further analysis," said West Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit Head, AKBP Arfan Zulkan Sipayung to reporters, Friday, January 31.

Apart from not yet establishing a suspect in the Glodok Plaza fire case, the police have not been able to conclude the cause of the fire.

Although no suspect has been named, West Jakarta Metro Police investigators claimed to have investigated the Glodok Plaza manager.

"We have examined the management of Tiyara and Glodok Plaza. Of the total 16 witnesses summoned, only 14 have been questioned by investigators," he said.

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