TANGERANG - The case of the alleged murder of a young widow named Novi by TNI personnel, Pratu TS, shocked residents of Jalan Bonjol, Pondok Aren, South Tangerang (Tangsel).
Based on VOI's monitoring at the scene, Friday morning, January 31, 2025, inside the rented house where Novi's body was found, there was a mattress with stains like blood.
Head of Information for Kodam (Kapendam) Jaya Colonel Inf Deki R Putra when asked by VOI the stain denied it. According to Kapendam, it is not certain whether the stain is covered in blood or not.
As is known, Novi's body when found in a rotting state. Allegedly, the body was abandoned for several days in the room, causing the victim's body condition to swell and drain.
However, Kapendam said that if the initial information he received, no bloodstains would be found in Kasur.
"There is no blood, the information is there is no blood," said Deki when confirmed, Friday, January 31
Therefore, to determine the cause of Novi's death, his party is still investigating Pratu TS to find out the issue and the motive behind this incident.
"How, that's what is currently being investigated," continued Kapendam Deki.
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