The Tamansari Metro Police together with a joint team from the DKI Jakarta Fire Department, BPBD and the Police Hospital Dokpol Team are still searching for victims of the Glodok Plaza fire in Tamansari District, West Jakarta on Friday, January 31, 2025.

"Still searching to this day," said Metro Tamansari Police Chief AKBP Riyanto when confirmed by VOI, Friday, January 31.

The search was carried out in every corner of the 7th and 8th floors as well as in several other ruins of the building.

"Meanwhile, there are still 14 body bags," he said

This search was carried out carefully by the Police Docpol team to evacuate the remaining fire victims' body parts.

Meanwhile, the investigation into the Glodok Plaza fire case has been taken over by the West Jakarta Metro Police. Police are still investigating a number of witnesses related to the fire.

"The case is handled by the West Jakarta Metro Police," he said.

Previously, it was reported that the West Jakarta Metro Police were still collecting and examining a number of witnesses related to the fire at Glodok Plaza Mall, Tamansari, West Jakarta.

Until now, the police have not been able to conclude the cause of the deadly fire.

"There are nine witnesses who have received information from nine people," said West Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Twedi Aditya Bennyahdi to reporters at the Kramat Jati Police Hospital, East Jakarta, Friday, January 24.

The nine witnesses consisted of witnesses to the initial incident from the building and the burning witness (victim).

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