YOGYAKARTA - The New Student Admission System (PPDB) has changed its name to the New Student Admission System (SPMB). Mendikdasmen, Abdul Mu'ti, revealed that the change was made to improve the previous system. So what are the difference between PPDB and SPMB?
"So we replace it with the SPMB, so why did the reason be changed? Yes, because we really want to provide the best education services for all. Second, there are several weaknesses from the old system that we need to improve the solution that we have maintained well," said Abdul Mu'ti to the beginning of the media at the Movenpick Hotel, Central Jakarta, Thursday (30/1).
Abdul Mu'ti also said that the elementary school education level would not change from the previous admission system. There will be some changes at the junior high and high school levels, one of which is about the quota for accepting prospective new students.
As parents of students or guardians, it is very important for students to recognize what is different from PPDB and SPMB.
The following are some of the differences in the PPDB and SPMB systems implemented by the Mendikdasmen in this new government:
In the previous PPDB system, new student admissions were based on a residential area called zoning. However, in the SPMB system, the term is changed to domicile. In addition to changing terms, Muti mentioned that there will be policy changes, such as reducing quotas for junior high and high school levels.
For example, the junior high school quota is reduced from 50 percent to 40 percent, and SMA from 50 percent to 30 percent. Meanwhile, the quota for elementary school level remains at 70 percent as in the previous PPDB system.
The reduction in this quota aims to increase data transparency and adjust the capacity of public schools, so that people can estimate the opportunity to be accepted based on the available quota.
"We hope that we can minimize the multiple interpretations of the implementation of the rules that have been going on so far. Including what we will also make as part of how this system can run well is transparency regarding the data and capacity of public schools," said Abdul Mu'ti.
In the previous PPDB system, registration for the SMK level was only carried out through affirmation channels, closest distance priorities, championship achievements, and industrial class preparation. However, in the SPMB system, new student admissions at SMK will consider the results of interest and talent tests in accordance with the field of expertise.
This is contained in the draft changes to the new student admission system (SPMB) page 7, as follows from the caption: The new student admission path is excluded for vocational schools (Selection considers the results of talent tests and interests according to the field of expertise)
The Minister of Education and Culture said that in the path of achievement there would be additional criteria for students with non-akademic achievements. One of these additions is leadership path.
In the previous system, leadership lines only cover the arts and sports sector. In the new system, the line is intended for students who have experience in organizational activities such as managing OSIS or being active in Scouts.
"So there are academic and non-kacademic achievements. There are only 2 non-akademics, namely sports and art, plus later it will be a leadership line so that those who are active as OSIS administrators, administrators such as Scouts or others will be considered through this path of achievement," said the Secretary of the PP Muhammadiyah.
In addition, the academic achievement path is aimed at prospective students who excel in science, technology, research, and innovation, provided that they have won competitions at the district or city level.
Unlike the domicile quota that has decreased, the affirmation quota will actually be increased for the junior high and high school levels. The quota for new student admissions through the affirmation pathway at the junior high school level increased from 15 percent to 20 percent, while at the high school level it rose from 15 percent to 30 percent.
The policy is intended to support students who are at risk of dropping out of school, such as people with disabilities and students from underprivileged families.
In the previous PPDB policy, each school has the freedom to determine several waves of new student admissions.
However, in the new system, all public schools will only carry out new student admissions in one stage or one wave. This policy aims to provide greater opportunities for private schools.
These provisions are contained in the draft changes to the new student admission system (SPMB) page 11, as follows: "Only 1 stage (1 wave) is carried out with information providing an opportunity for private schools to continue accepting new students."
Such is information about different PPDB and SPMB that parents and students need to understand who will take school level in the new school year. Read also get to know eligible students and the SNBP pathway in accepting new students.
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