He was questioned about giving money from school principals throughout the city of Bengkulu to former Bengkulu Governor Rohidin Mersyah.

"The witness was investigated in relation to the order of his superiors to the witness to receive a gift containing money," said KPK spokesman Tessa Mahardhika to reporters in a written statement, Tuesday, March 18.

Tessa said the money parcel was thought to have come from the head of the state high school/vocational school in Bengkulu City. However, he detailed how much.

However, Tessa said the money parcel was suspected of winning Rohidin, who intended to run for office.

Diberitakan sebelumnya, KPK menggelar operasi tangkap tangan (OTT) di Provinsi Bengkulu pada Sabtu, 23 November dan membawa delapan orang untuk dimintai keterangan. Tiga orang kemudian ditetapkan sebagai tersangka, yakni Gubernur Bengkulu Rohidin Mersyah, Sekretaris Daerah (Sekda) Provinsi Bengkulu Isnan Fajri dan Evrianshah alias Anca yang merupakan Adc Gubernur Bengkulu.

Saat OTT dilakukan, penyidik menemukan uang senilai Rp7 miliar dalam pecahan mata uang rupiah, dolar Amerika Serikat, dan dolar Singapura. Pemerasan dan penerimaan gratifikasi itu disebut untuk membiayai Rohidin yang kembali maju sebagai calon petahana.

In this case, investigators have confiscated four land and building assets which allegedly belonged to former Bengkulu Governor Rohidin Mersyah on February 21. The value is said by the anti-corruption commission to reach Rp4.3 billion.

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