Deputy Minister of Public Works (PU) Diana Kusumastuti reviewed the readiness of the Tangerang 'Merak Toll Road and a number of access roads to Merak, Bojonegara and Ciwandan Ports in Banten, Monday, March 17.
In her review, Diana wants to ensure the safety of all roads, both toll roads and national roads. Thus, it can provide comfort and security for travelers who are going to the port or surrounding areas.
Diana said, all road repairs or preservation activities must be completed no later than D-10 Lebaran. This is so as not to interfere with the traffic flow of people who want to return to their hometowns.
"All repair work, asphalting and widening of the road must be completed no later than March 21 or D-10 Lebaran so as not to interfere with the flow of homecoming," Diana said in a written statement, Tuesday, March 18.
It is known that the Tangerang 'Merak Toll Road has a length of 73 kilometers and is equipped with four Rest and Service Places (TIP) or rest areas, namely KM 68A and KM 43A for Merak and KM 68B and KM 45B for Jakarta.
To improve the Lebaran 2025 homecoming service, Astra Infra as the Toll Road Business Entity (BUJT) for the toll road has added facilities and infrastructure, repair and widening roads and coordinated with the police in implementing delaying systems at several points, such as Cikupa Toll Gate, KM 43 rest area and KM 68 rest area to anticipate vehicle queues at Merak Port.
Meanwhile, for the national road itself, the Banten National Road Implementation Center (BPJN) has carried out a number of preservation programs as an effort to improve the quality of national roads in Banten. The occupancy rate of 51 national roads with a total length of 567.9 kilometers in Banten has now reached 97.67 percent.
There are several treatments carried out, including patching hot mixes, cleaning drainage and making sodetan to deal with puddles.
BPJN Banten will also prepare eight Lebaran posts equipped with various supporting facilities, such as information maps for the Lebaran 2025 route, gadget charging facilities, K3/PPE equipment, medical equipment, Wi-Fi, CCTV, mobile toilets, rest facilities and places of worship. Each post will be guarded by two officers who work in two shifts per day.
In addition to ensuring road availability, the Deputy Minister of Public Works also highlighted the readiness of facilities in the rest area, especially parking lots, toilets and lactation rooms. Diana hopes that all facilities must be ensured in complete, clean and optimal conditions for the convenience of travelers.
"Make sure the optimal parking space and portable toilets are also available not far from the parking lot. The availability of water and cleanliness of all facilities must be maintained, especially in the lactation room," he said.
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