JAKARTA - A clash between two groups of residents in Amban Village, West Manokwari District, Manokwari Regency, Sunday, April 18 morning, killed a local resident.

As reported by Antara, Monday, 19 April, Head of Public Relations Division of West Papua Regional Police, Grand Commissioner Pol. Adam Erwindi confirmed that the clash between the two groups in Manokwari killed a resident and injured a victim.

"This problem stems from a misunderstanding between the two groups. One group is under the influence of alcoholic drink," said Adam Erwindi.

The clash of the two groups of residents killed a young man with the initials FR as a result of a sharp gunshot to the head, and another young man with the initials LA suffered a sharp weapon cut.

"The situation around the scene gradually became conducive to Sunday evening," he said.

The police are still carrying out investigations to reveal the perpetrators.

He appealed to the families of the victims to be patient, not to be provoked by the situation because the police had already handled the matter.

"Don't be provoked. Leave this matter to us (National Police)," said Erwindi.

The clash of residents which resulted in the loss of life resulted in a road blockade and the burning of a two-wheeled vehicle on Mulyono Amban Street, West Manokwari District.

Meanwhile, the Manokwari Police Chief, Police Grand Commissioner Adjutant Dadang Kurniawan Winjaya said that the clash between the two groups which resulted in the loss of life was under investigation.

"This issue is still under investigation. Everyone involved will definitely be prosecuted," said the Police Chief.

The head of Sector Police (Kapolsek) of Amban IPTU Juman Simanjuntak, when confirmed on Sunday evening, said that the situation in the area was monitored as conducive, the joint personnel of the Manokwari Police and the West Papua Regional Police Mobile Brigade were still on alert.

"Until tonight, the situation in the Amban sub-district has been observed to be conducive. Assistance to the security of the Police and Mobile Brigade of West Papua Police is still on standby to ensure regional security," said Juman.

The police chief said the police's quick work today succeeded in arresting two men who were suspected of being involved in the assault and murder during the attacking action of the two groups of residents.

"The two suspected perpetrators of the murder have been secured. Currently, both of them have been detained at the West Papua Police detention center for further investigation," said the Amban police chief, without naming the two suspected perpetrators.

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