JAKARTA - The Tangerang City Government has vaccinated 100.000 people, including health workers, public service workers, and the elderly. As many as 38 thousand of them are elderly with the oldest age of 102 years.

"The vaccine is a government effort, and currently it is agreed by the world to control COVID-19", said Head of the Tangerang City Health Service Liza Puspadewi in a statement on Sunday, April 18.

In the COVID-19 vaccination for the elderly, the Tangerang City Government provides special services. These vulnerable groups of people receive vaccination sites that are close to their domicile.

"Domiciling close to the elderly in order to minimize the obstacles to access to vaccination places for the elderly", said Liza.

Regarding Post Immunization Follow-up (KIPI), Dr. Liza said it was very small and light. This includes residents aged 102 who have been vaccinated.

"In Indonesia, there is no serious AEFI", she added.

As for the vaccination of the priority group stages 1 and 2, Tangerang City has a target of 222.765 people being vaccinated. In total, 1.2 million Tangerang residents are targeted for vaccination, including the general population over 18 years of age.

In the national COVID-19 vaccination program, the government is targeting 181.5 million vaccine targets. They are people aged 18 years and over. Vaccine recipients receive twice the injection dose.

In the first phase, the vaccine is intended for 1.5 million health workers. Then, in the second stage, COVID-19 vaccination is for the elderly and public service workers. The target is 21.5 million elderly and 16.9 million public officers.

They are market merchants, educators, religious leaders and counselors, representatives of the people, officials, government, civil servants, the National Army and National Police Force (TNI-Polri), tourism officers, public services, public transportation workers, athletes, and media workers.

Furthermore, vaccination will be carried out for 63.9 million vulnerable people or people living in areas with a high risk of infection. Then, other communities as many as 77.7 million people.

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