PALEMBANG - South Sumatra Police (Sumsel) removed a Prabumulih Police personnel who were involved in a traffic accident with a motorcyclist in Prabumulih City on January 13, 2024.

The South Sumatra Police Chief, Inspector General of Police Andi Rian R Djajadi, when interviewed in Palembang, last Wednesday, stated that he had ordered the Prabumulih Police Chief to remove the personnel temporarily.

"For the time being, we have removed it. Both parties, both victims and perpetrators, are currently receiving treatment because some have suffered injuries, including broken ribs," he said.

This incident occurred on Monday, January 13, 2024, at around 10:00 WIB. The accident involving a Prabumulih Police personnel with a general citizen went viral on social media.

It is known that the identities of the parties involved were Jauhari, a resident of Lembak, Muara Enim, and M Yunus, a member of the Prabumulih Police.

Video of the incident recorded by residents shows allegations of abuse by police personnel against the victim after the motorcycle accident. This incident drew public attention and became the subject of discussion on various social media platforms.

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