The elderly man guarding the housing complex became a victim of persecution by a criminal by giving food to Jalan Cempaka Putih Barat IID, Cempaka Putih District, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, January 14.
As a result of the abuse, the victim suffered a torn wound on the right cheek.
The incident was caught on CCTV cameras around the scene. The footage shows a man carrying a package with the mode of wanting to provide food.
However, after seeing the victim sleeping, the man saw the victim's cellphone being charged. The perpetrator then took the victim's cellphone.
Moments after the perpetrator took the victim's cellphone, the victim woke up. The victim reprimanded the perpetrator but the perpetrator was angry and immediately abused the victim until his face was bleeding.
After satisfied with molesting the victim, the perpetrator then left the victim. Meanwhile, the victim made a report at the Cempaka Putih Police for the perpetrator's actions.
Until now, the police have not arrested the perpetrators, although CCTV footage has clearly recorded the identity of the perpetrator.
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