JAKARTA - The Metro Jaya Police team arrested a man with the initials MJ (50) due to theft by shifting the victim's luggage at Tanah Abang Market, Central Jakarta.

"The perpetrator's mode is to go around Tanah Abang Market, Central Jakarta, looking for victims who are visitors shopping. Seeing that the victim was careless because he was carrying goods and they took action by moving the goods and then being taken away," said Head of Public Relations of Metro Jaya Police Grand Commissioner Yusri Yunus, as quoted by Antara, Friday, 16 April.

Metro Jaya Police, who received the report of the theft, carried out an investigation and reconnaissance at Tanah Abang Market. The perpetrator of MJ was caught doing the action on April 14 at Tanah Abang Market.

"We arrested it at the Tanah Abang Market itself because we were investigating what the modus operandi was," said Yusri.

MJ then went to the Metro Jaya Police Headquarters to be examined intensively. According to the confession concerned, he has been carrying out the action since 2018.

The police also confiscated a lot of evidence from MJ's crimes when the officers ransacked the residence.

"We have secured a lot of evidence, including wallets, cellphones, and the victim's shopping bag, including the contents that he managed to steal," he added.

Yusri appealed to the public to always be vigilant and not to leave their belongings unattended when in public places, because thieves can freely carry out their actions if the victim is careless.

As a result of his actions, the suspect MJ now holds the status as a suspect in a theft case and has to stay behind bars to be accountable for his actions before the law.

Suspect MJ is also charged with Article 362 concerning theft with the threat of 5 years imprisonment.

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