Having a body goal, aka an ideal body seems to be the dream of many people, especially women. To have an ideal body shape, you have to adopt a healthy lifestyle, including eating, managing stress, getting enough rest, to exercising regularly.

For sports, there are many types of sports that can be done to get the ideal body shape. Here are 3 sports recommendations to achieve an ideal body goal in 2025, which can be done at home.

Quoting from Women's Health, on Monday, January 6, 2025, a sports physiological expert, Pete Mc Call, the sport of kettleball swing can train muscles all over the back of the body. Such as the buttocks, back, and back thighs, so that these muscles become stronger and more ideal.

This movement is easy to do, by standing upright, opening the legs as wide as the shoulder. Hold the kettlebell and place it on the floor between the legs, then cover it back between the thighs. Then stand in its original position while carrying the littlebell right in front of the chest.

The owner of one of the fitness clubs in New York, Albert Mathey, said that the dumbbell thruster is the most efficient body-wide exercise to burn calories and train a group of major muscles. Starting from the buttocks muscles, back thighs, concepts, to the front thigh, which make the muscles denser and faster.

To do this movement, hold the dumbbell as high as your shoulder with your elbows bent and your palms facing each other. Open your legs as wide as your shoulders, then bend down to form a squatting position. Lift the load up and push the dumbbell right above the keala until the arms are stretched.

This one sport aims to make the buttocks rounder and faster. Doing deadlifts during a set, you can feel changes in the bottom area of your butt that feel faster.

Deadlifts are done by opening your hips wide and placing the band's resistance under the feet. Hold the end with both hands, bend your knees, and pull the band's resistance until you stand back. Then stop for a moment, then lift the upper body back to its initial position.

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