Chairman of the PDIP DPP Puan Maharani confirmed that PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto would fulfill the invitation to examine the KPK on Monday, January 13.

"As a citizen, of course, a legal process must be carried out, yes. Now, it is currently in effect or running in the legal process," said Puan at the Party School, Lenteng Agung, Jakarta, Friday, January 10.

Although he will undergo the ongoing legal process at the KPK, Puan said that her party did not immediately look for a replacement for Hasto as secretary general of PDIP.

"Yes, we'll see first what happens. We presumption of innocence first," said the chairman of the DPR.

According to Puan, her party has not yet talked about the vacant secretary general seat. Therefore, he did not want to assume that Hasto would be detained by the KPK, requiring Megawati Soekarnoputri to resign as general chairman, as stated by Effendi Simbolon.

"Yes, we should not assume. We respect and respect each other's internal processes in a party," said Puan.

Puan emphasized that the change of chairman must go through the Party Congress. Meanwhile, PDIP will hold a Congress in April 2025.

"So, we will follow the existing process in the PDI-P Party. The process is for internal existence in Congress. So, later we will follow what Congress will take place and the Congress will still come in April," he concluded.

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