The General Election Commission (KPU) of Bandung City has determined the candidate pair for mayor-deputy mayor Muhammad Farhan-Erwin to win the 2024 Bandung City Regional Election by obtaining 523,000 votes.

The head of the Bandung KPU, Khoirul Anam Gumilar, said that this determination marked the end of the election stages in the City of Kembang.

"The pair Muhammad Farhan and Erwin won 523,000 votes or 44.64 percent of the total valid votes as a candidate pair for mayor and deputy mayor of Bandung for the period 2025-2030," Anam said in Bandung, Thursday, January 9, was confiscated by Antara.

Anam revealed that Bandung City is one of 40 percent of regions in Indonesia that do not face rebuttals or lawsuits related to the election results. "Alhamdulillah, there are no lawsuits from any party regarding the process or election results in the city of Bandung," he said.

He said that based on the schedule issued by the KPU, the inauguration of the elected mayor and deputy mayor is planned to take place on February 10, 2025. "The next KPU agenda, now we are helping the DPRD to prepare files related to the preparation of the inauguration," he said.

Based on the results of the vote on 27 November 2024, the most votes for the second position were occupied by candidate Haru Suandharu-Dhani Wirianata who won 427,448 votes.

Meanwhile, candidate pair Arfi Rafnialdi-Rena Iskandar Ma'soem received 137,672 votes, and the final position was Dandan Riza Wardana-Arif Wijaya with 83,498 votes.

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