JAKARTA - Abdul Latif, the father of a 5-year-old boy victim of teenage sexual abuse with the initials RA (14) admitted that he did not believe that the alleged perpetrator had a history of inclusion or special needs.
"Nothing, just normal," said Latif when confirmed, Wednesday, January 8.
In addition, he also sees that the alleged perpetrator during normal activities in general. Even his behavior looks normal.
"The problem is where the data came from. Yes, if you are told to do it, yes, yes," he said.
Moreover, said Latif, the alleged perpetrator attended school not in special needs or Special Schools (SLB).
"He's in school (SMP), in public schools," he concluded.
Previously, the mother of the child molestation at the mosque in the Pancoran area, South Jakarta admitted to the police that RA (14) was a child with an inclusion disease, with special needs.
Hearing this confession, the South Jakarta Metro Police, who handled this case, will check whether it is true that RA is an inclusive child.
"He said it was inclusion (special needs). But physically normal, not flawed. But the police did not immediately believe it. It must be examined first," said Nurma when confirmed, Wednesday, January 8.
To determine whether RA has an inclusion or has special needs, the police are waiting for the results of the examination by the National Police Hospital Doctor team, Kramat Jati, East Jakarta.
"Taken to (Police Hospital) Kramat Jati for 14 days," he said.
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