JAKARTA - The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) believes that the entry of Indonesia as a full member of the BRICS economic forum can have a positive impact on the investment climate of the upstream Indonesian oil and gas sector.

"At least we can help each other with investment," said Head of SKK Migas, Djoko Siswanto when met by the media crew after the FID Engagement agenda for Hidayah Field with Petronas, Thursday, January 9.

When asked about the sale of oil and gas products between the state of BRICS, Djoko said that for now Indonesia is still prioritizing the production of oil for domestic consumption. Moreover, Indonesia is currently still a net importer of oil, while Indonesia's crude oil production is still in the range of 605,000 barrels of oil per day (BOPD).

"Currently, if we still need oil one, we still need it domestically. But if gas is indeed we are still exporting," continued Djoko.

Not only helping the investment climate, joining Indonesia as a member of BRICS will also widen the opportunity for technology exchange to optimize domestic oil and gas production.

"Yes, technology, investment, human resources," said Djoko.

Previously, the Brazilian Government announced in a statement that Indonesia had officially joined as a full member of the BRICS economic group.

Member states approved Indonesia's entry on a consensus as part of the push for expansion which was originally approved at the top meeting of the block in 2023 in Johannesburg.

"Indonesia shares support with other group members for the reform of global governance institutions, and contributes positively to the deepening of cooperation in the southern hemisphere," the Brazilian government said.

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