JAKARTA - At least two people were injured in a series of accidents on the Cipularang Km97+200 Toll Road, Darangdan, Purwakarta, West Java (West Java), Sunday, January 5, morning.
The fabric of PJR Cipularang Korlantas Polri, Kompol Joko Prihantono, said the two injured people consisted of a conductor and one bus passenger.
"The victim was injured by two people. The conductor and one passenger of the primajasa bus," Joko said when confirmed, Sunday, January 5.
Joko said that the condition of the conductor suffered serious injuries. Meanwhile, the bus passengers suffered minor injuries.
"He was seriously injured and the bus passengers were slightly injured," he said.
On that basis, the victim was immediately evacuated to Abdulrojak Hospital. The goal is for medical treatment.
"(Evacuated) Abdulrojak Hospital," he concluded.
Previously, there was a series of accidents on the Cipularang Km97+200 Toll Road, Darangdan, Purwakarta, West Java. The reason is suspected to be because the coal transport truck was not strong enough to climb.
The 5 vehicles that had an accident were Trucks, Primajasa Buses, two private cars and one Toyota Hiace.
The Kainduk PJR Cipularang Korlantas Polri, Kompol Joko Prihantono, said the incident occurred on Sunday, January 5, at 09.00 WIB.
He explained that the incident began when a truck was traveling from Jakarta to Bandung. Arriving at the crime scene (TKP), the truck suddenly withdrew because it was not strong enough to climb. As a result, it hit 4 vehicles behind it.
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