YOGYAKARTA The free nutritious food program will begin to be implemented by the Government this month. In its implementation, this program will collaborate with the community as partners. For people who want to participate, see how to list the nutritious food partners for free.
Registration is done online. Before registering, the applicant must meet the various necessary requirements. For more details, see the following explanation.
In a written statement, Head of BGN Dadan Hindayana said that prospective partners who apply, whether institutional or individual, must meet the requirements, namely as follows.
Prospective partners are required to have a legal status, for example having a business entity or legal entity. It could also be by pocketing an official recommendation letter from an institution that has been trusted beforehand.
Proposed partners are expected to be able to contribute consistently, both in terms of funding, adequate support for facilities, and human resources.
As is known, the free lunch program carried out through the National Nutrition Agency (BGN) aims to create healthy people by providing optimal nutrition. This goal must also be owned by partners who register.
Mitra yang mengajukan diri wajib menginformasikan detail area operasi dan target komunitas penerima manfaat program.
After the group or individual manages to meet the requirements as a partner of the free lunch program, the application can be submitted in the following way.
After that, BGN will carry out a verification process for submitting cooperation as partners. BGN will also send an email when registration as a partner has been successfully carried out. It should be emphasized that registration of free nutritious food program partners is free and no administrative collection whatsoever.
In addition, partners can be followed by all elements of society, starting from business actors, local governments, and even local communities. In addition to the way to register for free nutritious eating partners, visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.
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