JAKARTA - The Jakarta Narcotics Correctional Institution (Lapas) held a working meeting to prepare for the 2025 Fiscal Year. This meeting was attended by all structural officials and all employees of the Jakarta Narcotics Prison and was chaired directly by the Head of the Jakarta Narcotics Prison, Fonika Affandi.

In addition to discussing budget preparation, meetings are also used to evaluate performance and achievements during 2024. Meeting activities begin with appreciation to Jakarta Narcotics Prison employees who have shown extraordinary dedication and contribution in supporting the smooth running of the duties and functions of institutions.

"We give this appreciation to employees who have made a significant contribution to the progress of the Jakarta Narcotics Prison. Hopefully this will be a motivation to continue working better," said Fonika Affandi.

A total of 15 awards were won throughout 2024. The awards include the Corruption-Free Region Award (WBK), the Indonesian National Standard Certificate (SNI 8807:2022), the Plenary Accreditation of the Jakarta Narcotics Prison Primary Clinic, an award from the Indonesian National Narcotics Agency for commitments in the field of Indonesian eradication. .

Including the Public Service Award from the Indonesian Ombudsman, the IKPA 100 Achievement Award from the DKI Jakarta DJPb Regional Office, the DIPA RPD Award from KPPN Jakarta V, the Work Unit Award which implements P2HAM from the Ministry of Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia, Best Award II Supervision of Correctional UPT Scope, Best Award III Publication and Performance Glorification in 2024, Best Award II Achievement IKPA Category UPT Pagu Besar, Best Award I Management of BMN with Total Assets 50 Billion, Best II Digitization Award Vital Archives on e-Arsip, WBK Predicated Satker Award from the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights DKI Jakarta and WBK Predicated Satker Award from the Directorate General of Corrections.

On this occasion, Fonika also emphasized the importance of maintaining and improving good performance at the Jakarta Narcotics Prison.

"Our task in 2025 is how we maintain the good, from small things to bigger aspects. Our main focus is to continue to refer to the Asta Cita of the President and the 13 acceleration programs of the Minister of Immigration and Corrections," said Fonika.

This working meeting aims to evaluate every line of activities at the Jakarta Narcotics Prison and ensure that the programs and policies that have been implemented run according to the plans and targets set. Fonika also invited all ranks of the Jakarta Narcotics Prison to continue to be committed to realizing the best service, as well as improving the quality of management in correctional institutions.

With the spirit and determination to continue to develop, the Jakarta Narcotics Prison hopes to carry out its duties and responsibilities by 2025 more effectively and efficiently, in line with the government's vision and mission in creating a better correctional system.

Fonika Affandi thanked the public and stakeholders who have helped and contributed to providing guidance and support so that in 2024, Jakarta's narcotics prison will receive awards in carrying out prison duties and functions.

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