JAKARTA - Officers implemented contraflow traffic engineering (opening lanes from the opposite direction) on the Jakarta-Cikampek toll road following the heavy traffic flow from Cikampek to Jakarta on the backflow of the New Year holiday, Wednesday.

Vice President Corporate Secretary & Legal of PT JTT Ria Marlinda Paallo in a statement in Karawang Regency, West Java, Wednesday, said that the implementation of contraflow was carried out on discretion from the Police.

Traffic engineering contraflow began to be implemented at around 18.28 WIB, when traffic flow conditions were congested. This time the contraflow was applied from KM 65 to KM 47 towards Jakarta on the Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road.

According to him, contraflow is applied situationally. So if the traffic flow conditions are congested, the police discretion will be contraflowed. Then the contraflow is stopped when the traffic flow gradually flows smoothly.

PT Jasamarga Transjawa Tol (JTT) appealed to all road users to prioritize safety and ensure that the vehicle is in prime condition.

In addition, it is also advised to ensure that the balance of electronic money is sufficient, charge and fuel before starting the trip and bring supplies to avoid congestion in the rest area (rest area).

Meanwhile, during the New Year's holiday season, starting from 29-31 December 2024, PT JTT recorded a surge in the volume of vehicles leaving and entering from the Cikampek Utama Toll Gate.

It was recorded that 95,207 vehicles headed to the East Trans Java region through the Cikampek Utama Toll Gate, an increase of 21.32 percent compared to normal traffic of 78,478 vehicles. Previously, Ria said there was an increase in the volume of vehicle traffic entering from the East Trans Java region.

"On New Year's Eve, vehicles passing through the Cikampek Utama Toll Gate are quite high, including vehicles entering from the East Trans Java Region as many as 119,434 vehicles, an increase of 32.56 percent from normal traffic as many as 90,097 vehicles," he said.

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