JAKARTA - Mount Semeru, which has a height of 3,676 meters above sea level (masl), was reported to have experienced 10 eruptions on Wednesday, January 1, 2025, from 01.00 WIB to 18.30 WIB.

According to officers' records, the first eruption occurred at 01.12 WIB, while the tenth eruption was recorded at 18.27 WIB. The eruption is expected to continue until 24.00 WIB.

Mount Semeru erupted at 18.27 WIB. Although the eruption was not visually visible, the eruption was recorded via a seismograph with a maximum amplitude of 22 mm and lasted for 129 seconds," said Mukdas Sofian, an officer of the Mount Semeru Observation Post, in his report received in Lumajang.

Of the total 10 eruptions that occurred, only one eruption, namely at 05.20 WIB, was visually visible. The eruption resulted in a column of ash about 500 meters high above the peak. The ash column is white to gray with intensity moving to the southwest. Nine other eruptions could not be visually observed because the top conditions of the mountain were covered in fog.

Mount Semeru is currently still on alert status. Therefore, the Center for Volcanology and Geological Disaster Mitigation (PVMBG) issued a number of recommendations to maintain public safety.

People are prohibited from doing activities in the southeast sector of Besuk Kobokan within a radius of eight kilometers from the summit or eruption center. In addition, beyond that radius, activities are also not allowed within 500 meters of the riverbank along Besuk Kobokan. This is due to the potential for hot clouds and lava flows that can extend up to 13 kilometers from the summit.

Residents are also asked not to approach the area within a radius of three kilometers from the crater or peak of Mount Semeru, because the area is prone to the ejection of incandescent rock material, continued Mukdas.

In addition, the public is advised to remain alert to potential threats in the form of hot clouds, lava avalanches, and rain lava, especially along rivers or valleys that originate at the top of Mount Semeru. Areas that need to be watched out for include Besuk Kobokan, Besuk Bang, Besuk Kembar, Besuk Sat, as well as small rivers that are tributaries of Besuk Kobokan.

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