JAKARTA - Minister of Communication and Digital Affairs (Menkomdigi), Meutya Hafid discussed the importance of studying digitalization with MSME actors in Keramik Dinoyo Village, Malang, East Java.

"In digital terms, we are not competitive, but collaborating, we believe in digitalization, market or market. So the way to survive, the way to enter digital is a lot," said Meutya during a visit to Keramik Dinoyo Village, Malang, Saturday.

Meutya considers that ceramics are one of the items that can easily penetrate the international market. In contrast to the food that must be sold, it follows changes in public interest quickly.

Therefore, MSME actors need to study digitization so that ceramic sales can expand market targets because payment transactions are easy to do. One of them is online payments such as QRIS.

In addition, new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) can help attract public interest, especially those from young age, through interesting ceramic or marketing content.

The existence of AI also helps MSME players learn what ceramic trends are in demand by the public or learn new techniques from foreign ceramic craftsmen.

In this regard, Meutya stated that the government has an obligation to provide assistance to MSME players in studying new technology and creating appropriate regulations to maintain the regularity of its use.

"We also need to convey this artificial intelligence (AI), that this is technology that will revolutionize many things, including MSMEs. So if we encourage digitalization to grow faster, but with this artificial intelligence, more and more will come now, it will revolutionize our ways of MSMEs," said Meutya.

During her visit, Meutya asked local governments to provide assistance to existing MSME actors, so that existing technology can be utilized more optimally.

He also asked the government to look for problems that are being faced by ceramic craftsmen and sellers, so that they can be determined in the right form of assistance.

Meutya reminded MSME players that neglect and unwillingness to study digitalization have bad consequences for the sustainability of ceramic sales. One of them is goods sold behind the times.

"If we want to be downgraded for a long time, we will even be left behind, we even apologize for the death, according to predictions from the world's IT experts, it would be like that if we didn't hurry," he said.

In the event which was held at the Dinoyo Ceramic Factory, Malang, Meutya also greeted the ceramic craftsmen who were present and tried making ceramics made of clay with the Governor of East Java Province, Adhy Karyono.

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