JAKARTA - Dates have become one of the most popular fruits in the world, not only because of their sweet taste, but also because of their high nutritional content.

Here are 5 types of the best dates from all over the world that have unique characteristics and become the favorite of many people according to MusteAtlas, quoted by VOI from the Taste Atlas page on Monday, January 6, 2025.

Deglet gets a rating of 4.5/5. Nour Deglet comes from Algeria, North Africa. This date is small in size, yellow in brownish, with almost transparent fruit meat. It tastes sweet with a touch of peanut taste and fire.

Apart from North Africa, this date has also been cultivated in Israel and the United States since the early 20th century. Nour's outlets are often enjoyed as sweet snacks with tea or coffee, and are used in various salads, cakes, and pastries of traditional North Africa.

The Siwa Oasis Date received a rating of 4.4/5 and came from Oase Siwa, Egypt. This curve has been cultivated for more than 3,000 years in Oase Siwa, West Egypt. The three main varieties are Siwi, Azzawi, and Frehi, while the other three, Ghazaal, Takdat, and Amnzou, are rare and virtually extinct.

Each tree begins producing fruit after 10 years, with a production of around 50 kilograms per year. The harvest time varies, namely Amnzou matures in September, Azzawi and Siwi in early October, Ghazaal in late October, and Takdat between December and January.

The Medjool Date received a rating of 4.3/5. This fruit comes from Morocco, North Africa. The Medjool Date, which was first cultivated in the Talifalt oasis, Morocco and is now one of the most popular varieties of dates in the world. With a large size and sweet taste likenicity, this date is often referred to as the 'king of dates'.

The texture is chewy and rich in fiber, potassium, and antioxidants. Medjool dates can be eaten directly, either fresh or dry, or used in various dishes such as porridge to dessert.

The Ajwa Date received a rating of 4.2/5 and came from Medina, Saudi Arabia. The Ajwa Date is famous for its dark brown color to almost black. The texture is soft, slightly dry, and chewy, with a sweet taste that resembles prune as well as a touch of cinnamon, charm, and honey.

This date is rich in protein, fiber, healthy fat, and vitamins such as A, B6, C, E, and K. In Islamic tradition, Ajwa's dates are known as 'precise dates' and have special benefits for pregnant women, such as increasing blood circulation for mothers and babies.

The Mazafati Date received a rating of 4/5. The Mazafati Date comes from the Bam region, southern Iran. This fruit is known for its gentle sweet taste and a chewy texture. This date is medium size, dark color, and is usually consumed fresh.

Mazafati is often enjoyed as a snack or combined with nuts, cheese, oceanmeals, and yogurt, making it a delicious and nutritious choice.

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