JAKARTA - East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa asked residents to participate or proactively validate the data collection of damage to buildings both houses and public facilities so that data can be verified more quickly and immediately sent to the central government.

"So, during this waiting process, we expect the identification of categories that are damaged lightly, moderately, and heavily both homes and public facilities. It is expected that soon it will be announced written in RT, RW, village hall so that the community is confirmed to have been recorded as light, medium or heavy," said the Governor of East Java while reviewing the location of houses damaged by the earthquake in Tepas Village, Kesamben District, Blitar Regency, as reported by Antara, Thursday, April 15.

She said the involvement of the community in self-validation also makes it easier to ensure the condition of the house. With it, the data can be verified well whether the house is damaged into the category of light, medium or heavy.

"The community is asked to validate the damage whether as delivered. Otherwise, yes just to be known by them, then they can tell that this is really light, medium, or heavy, so that if we continue to National Agency for Disaster Management (BNPB) once we submit the final, It doesn't pacing the correspondence," he said.

He said from monitoring three areas, there were buildings with significant damage after an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.1 struck on Saturday, April 10. The three districts are Blitar, Lumajang and Malang.

National Agency for Disaster Management (BNPB) has also provided an affirmation of providing assistance. For people whose homes are heavily damaged get a stimulant fund of Rp. 50 million outside the cost of repair work, damaged moderately is Rp. 24 million, lightly damaged is Rp. 10 million.

"For lightly and moderately damaged, this should be for self-management to be faster. For severely damaged has been coordinated with the Territorial Military Commander (Pangdam) and East Java Police Chief. Later teams from the National Army and The National Police will be maximized to help accelerate the implementation of development for the severely damaged," he said.

Meanwhile, The Chief Executive of The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Blitar Achmad Cholik district said from the temporary data in Blitar District there are 862 houses and public facilities that have been damaged with mild, moderate, and severe conditions.

He also said that the local government also provides assistance in the form of basic materials to residents affected by the disaster. That assistance to date has been gradually distributed to recipients.

In addition, verification is also continuously carried out. The government will also provide stimulus assistance for residents whose homes are damaged. In accordance with local regulations, for lightly damaged houses are given the assistance of Rp. 1 million, moderately damaged Rp. 2 million, and severely damaged Rp. 4 million.

"So, the aid is in accordance with the local government, not the house so it returns to normal. There is also help from social services," he said.

Khofifah reviewed the location of houses of residents affected by the earthquake in Tepas Village, Kesamben District, Blitar Regency. The Governor was also accompanied by officials of the East Java Provincial Government including from the ranks of Blitar Regency.

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