JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has invited the Mayor of Semarang Hevearita Gunaryanti Rahayu alias Mbak Ita to file a pretrial lawsuit at the South Jakarta District Court (PN). As a suspect, Mbak Ita has the right to do so.
Mbak Ita diketahui telah ditetapkan sebagai tersangka bersama suaminya yang juga Ketua Komisi D DPRD Jateng Alwin Basri; Ketua Gabungan Pelaksana Konstruksi Nasional Indonesia (Gapensi) Kota Semarang, Martono; dan Rahmat Djangkar yang merupakan pihak swasta.
"KPK invites the suspect to submit a pretrial application according to the rights granted by the applicable legal rules," said KPK spokesman Tessa Mahardhika to reporters in a written statement, Friday, December 6.
The KPK must be ready to face the lawsuit. Tessa said investigators had followed the applicable procedures while working.
"Through the Legal Bureau, the KPK will face and oversee the trial process," he said.
"We believe that the process of determining the suspect is in accordance with applicable procedures and regulations," continued the spokesman with the investigator's background.
The lawsuit filed by Mbak Ita is registered with number 124 / Pid.Pra / 2024 / PN JKT.SEL. The registration will be carried out on December 4.
The PDIP politician sued whether or not the KPK had named a suspect.
Previously reported, the KPK began investigating three alleged corruption crimes within the Semarang City Government (Pemkot). The details are the procurement of goods and services within the Semarang City Government in 2023-2024, the alleged extortion of civil servants related to incentives for collecting taxes and levies in the Semarang City area, as well as the alleged receipt of gratuities in 2023-2024.
Searches have been carried out in various locations such as in the cities of Semarang, Kudus, Salatiga, and others. From there, documents up to Rp1 billion and 9,650 euros were found as well as dozens of watches allegedly related to the case.
In this case, the parties named as suspects have been prevented from leaving the country for six months. They are Hevearita Gunaryanti Rahayu or Mbak Ita who is the Mayor of Semarang, Chairman of Commission D of the Central Java DPRD who is also the husband of Mbak Ita, Alwin Basri; Chairman of the Association of Indonesian National Construction Implementers (Gapensi) Semarang City, Martono; and Rahmat Djangkar who is a private party.
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