Kudus Police, Central Java, named two football supporters from neighboring districts as suspects in the beating case against a resident of Kudus Regency.
"The two football supporters, namely with the initials Mr (23) from Ujungpangan Village, Weahan District, Jepara Regency and MA (23) from Mayong Lor Village, Mayong District, Jepara Regency," said Kudus Police Chief AKBP Ronni Bonic as reported by ANTARA, Friday, December 6.
Both admitted that they participated in the beating, namely kicking the body and hitting the victim's thigh and stomach.
The incident occurred when the perpetrator and thousands of other supporters returned to their area crossing the East Ring Road of Kudus in Ngembal Kulon Village, Jati District, Kudus.
The Persijap supporters' group, after watching the match of their favorite team at Persipa Pati's home at Joyokusumo Pati Stadium on a motorbike.
The group of supporters also received strict police escorts. Right west of Jambu Bol Kudus Field, a group of supporters lit flares or flares and fireworks directed at roads and residents' houses.
The group then continued their journey to the south which was located from the Jambu Bol field about 500 meters away.
At that time, the group ran into the victim who was riding with his friend riding a PCX motorcycle, then a case of beating the victim with the initials IP (23) from Kedungdowo Village, Kaliwungu District, Kudus Regency.
The victim suffered a wound behind the right ear with a torn wound, left ear with a torn wound, from the head with a torn wound, upper lip with a torn wound, and abrasions to the hands and legs. The victim was also unconscious of the incident.
Police secured baseball bats, stones and ceramic shards.
Mr, one of the suspects admitted that he kicked the victim along with his friend Ma.
"Meanwhile, I did hold the baseball bat, but it belonged to my friend. At the time of the incident I only kicked the victim," said Ma.
Both of them also apologized to the victim and expressed their regret. Moreover, the action resulted in his favorite team having to be sanctioned with a point reduction.
Other perpetrators suspected of being involved in the beating are still being searched and chased by the Kudus Police Satreskrim Resmob team.
For his actions, the perpetrator was charged with Article 170 paragraph (2) to 1 of the Criminal Code subsidiary 351 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code with a maximum penalty of five years and six months.
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