JAKARTA - Member of the Legislation Body of the DPR RI (Baleg) from the PKB faction, Hindun Anisah, urged a revision of Law Number 16 of 1997 concerning Statistics. Along with the Government's plan to realize the One Data Indonesia program to overcome the confusion of the inter-ministerial/institutional policy-making database.
"We will try to realize the revision of the Statistics Law to strengthen adequate regulations to meet the needs of one data which will be used as a reference for all interests," Hindun told reporters, Friday, December 6.
"This revision will improve the quality of national data which is more accurate both quantitatively and qualitatively," he continued.
Hindun said that the revision of the Statistical Law was important to be carried out immediately. Because according to him, the chaoticness of national data sources is often experienced by all parties, including government agencies, both central and regional.
"This has an impact on inaccuracy in making policies," he said.
The legislator for the Central Java II electoral district also hopes that as the main institution in presenting one Indonesia data as stated in Presidential Decree No. 39 of 2019, the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) can move quickly and synergize with Baleg so that in the 2025 Prolegnas, it can be completed properly and optimally.
He also hopes that in the future there will be strengthening of BPS' authority so that this institution is not merely a data collector. "But BPS must have wider authority in coordinating data needs," he concluded.
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