JAKARTA - PT Pindad Medika Utama (PT PMU) has again proven that technology is not just a tool, but also the key to maintaining the quality and sustainability of health services. At the Top Digital Awards 2024 which was held at Raffles Hotel, Jakarta, on Friday 6 December, PT PMU won two prestigious awards: TOP Digital Star #4 and Top Leader on Digital Implementation 2024.

This award not only appreciates the application of advanced technology, but also the company's focus on strengthening security aspects that are very important for services to patients.

President Director of PT PMU, Hadi Filino Gunarto, who received the award, explained that this achievement is proof of the company's success in in integrating technology with business and service strategies.

"The technology we apply not only supports innovation and business benefits, but also ensures sustainable and safe services for Pindad General Hospital patients," Hadi said in a written statement received on Friday, December 6, 2024.

The 2024 Top Digital Awards will be attended by more than 1,000 companies and government agencies in Indonesia. The assessment in this event is not only based on the use of technology, but also on leadership and commitment in safe and sustainable digital implementation.

Chairman of the 2024 Top Digital Awards Jury, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Achmad Benny Mutiara, emphasized that this award also assesses leadership's ability to maintain system quality and security.

"PT PMU has successfully integrated technology very well, ranging from content quality to cyber security systems," said Prof. Benny.

Furthermore, Prof. Benny said that the success of PT PMU in maintaining the quality and security of information technology systems (IT) was the main factor in the assessment.

"Leaders like Hadi Filino Gunarto not only encourage digital transformation, but also ensure that every step is taken with full attention to cyber risks and security," he added.

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