The Riau Regional Police Special Criminal Investigation Directorate (Polda) examined the celebrity Hana Hanifah on suspicion of receiving a flow of funds related to a fictitious official travel order (SPPD) at the local provincial DPRD Secretariat.
Head of Public Relations of the Riau Police, Kombes Anom Caribbeanto, said that Hana had received the flow of funds since November 2021 with varying amounts.
"There are several flows of funds, not just once. The amount is also varied, there is Rp. 5 million, Rp. 15 million," said Kombes Anom as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, December 5.
The police said the funds were sent by one of the witnesses who worked at the Riau Provincial DPRD Secretariat. However, he made sure not from the man with the initials M.
In addition, Hana was also asked to return the money received from the alleged corruption case at the Riau DPR Secretariat.
"Of course it must be returned because the money is the result of a criminal act," said Kombes Anom.
Hana Hanifah was examined for nine hours, but when asked she tried to avoid journalists. He did not answer many questions asked by the media crew.
"Sorry, for more later, just ask the investigators," said Hana in the elevator.
He was also reluctant to answer whether he knew the name involved in the alleged fictitious SPPD at the Riau DPRD Secretariat for the 2020-2021 period.
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