TARAKAN' North Kalimantan Police Mobile Brigade Unit (Kaltara) held an SAR Alert Call in Tarakan City.

This apple is led by Wadanden Gegana AKP Mohammad Nur Sugiharto, this activity is to anticipate natural disasters in the Tarakan City area.

AKP M. Nur Sugiharto revealed that a number of SAR equipment, equipment and operational vehicles were checked for feasibility.

"This Alert Ape is a proactive step in responding to the challenges of dealing with natural disasters that can threaten this region," said AKP M. Nur Sugiharto, Wednesday, December 4.

Activities are continued with various exercises and simulations to ensure preparedness in dealing with emergency situations. They also discuss strategies and coordination to move quickly and efficiently when needed," he explained.

Preparedness of personnel and equipment in dealing with natural disasters is very important to maintain the safety of citizens and minimize the negative impact of disasters that may occur.

"The readiness of personnel and equipment must be considered, especially in dealing with disasters in order to provide a sense of security and safety to the community and minimize the negative impact of disasters," he said.

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