Head of Propam Polda Central Java, Kombes Aris Supriyono revealed the motive behind the shooting case by his member, Aipda Robig Zaenudin against SMKN 4 Semarang student, Gamma Ryzkinata Oktafandy (GRO) to death.
Aris said the shooting was not related to the incident of the disbandment of the brawl, but Aipda Robig was intercepted by another vehicle.
"The shooting carried out by alleged violators is not related to the disbandment of the brawl that previously occurred," said Aris in a hearing (RDP) with Commission III of the DPR RI at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, December 3.
Aris explained that the incident began when Aipda Robig came home from work from the office. In the middle of the road, suddenly the vehicle he was traveling in was chased by three other vehicles.
"Then, the motive used by the alleged violator was because when he was on his way home he got a vehicle that took his way, the alleged violator was caught," explained Aris.
"Finally, the alleged violator waited for these three people to turn around, more or less like that and a shooting occurred," he continued.
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