As many as six thousand honorary workers within the Garut Regency Government, West Java passed the administrative stage and then participated in the selection of recruitment of Government Employees with Work Agreements (PPPK) for 1,600 quotas in various formations.
"The number of our participants is in more than six thousand, consisting of health workers, teachers, and other technical personnel, and our recruitment is at 1,600," said Garut Regency Government Regional Secretary Nurdin Yana to reporters in Garut, as reported by Antara, Monday, December 2.
Most of the honorary workers within the Garut Regency Government have gradually been included in the PPPK, currently six thousand people are on the list of the State Civil Service Agency (BKN) to participate in the 2024 PPPK selection.
All participants in the PPPK selection, he said, will undergo a computerized test using a computer assisted test (CAT) system with the material, namely basic competency selection (SKD) and field competency selection (SKB).
"PPPK is different from civil servants, if the civil servants are distinguished, one SKD and both SKBs are separated, now today PPPK is united," he said.
He conveyed, based on a circular letter from the Minister of Administrative Reform regarding the preparation for the implementation of the special PPPK test for Garut Regency, it was scheduled for December 10 to 16, 2024.
The implementation of the PPPK test, said Nurdin, was not in Garut Regency, but was all centered in Tasikmalaya with a predetermined schedule for each selection participant with a test time of 130 minutes.
Regarding those who do not qualify for PPPK in 2024, he said, it is likely that it will be proposed to determine government employees with part-time status.
However, the policy, he continued, is awaiting a decision from the central government which has the authority to implement the appointment of the honorary staff status.
"It is possible that the concept of part-time is still a big question, regarding qualifications," he said.
He added that previously the Garut Regency Government suggested that the acceptance of honorary workers does not need any selection, only with the portfolio data of those who have served in government work.
"Besides saving the budget, but because this is the acceptance of the selection, it finally stipulates that CAT applies to the computer system," he said.
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